МосИн'яз курсы английского языка
Центр подготовки к ЕГЭ
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Подготовка 1 год
(11 класс)
Подготовка 1,5 года
(10 класс)
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Олимпиада по английскому языку 2013

Клубная карта MosInYaz

Клубная карта MosInYaz Клубная карта MosInYaz

Русские и английские пословицы

Russian and English Proverbs


Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
www.gaudeamus.ru     Перейти на новый сайт
Вакансия в IT Отдел МИИЯ карта сайта Карта сайта курсов английского языка
Английский Немецкий Французский Итальянский Испанский Португальский
Турецкий Арабский Китайский Японский

Кэмбриджский университет

Структура экзамена

First Language English (II level):

III component: Directed Writing and Composition (Extended) (2 hours)

This paper will be divided into two sections:

Section 1 – Directed Writing (25 marks)

Candidates will read one or more short texts which will be printed on the question paper. They will be required to use and develop the given information in another form, e.g. a letter, a report, a speech, a dialogue.

This question will test the following Writing Objectives (15 marks):
W1 Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
W2 Order and present facts, ideas and opinions
W3 Understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary
W4 Use language and register appropriate to audience and context
W5 Make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation
and spelling

In addition, 10 marks will be available for Reading Objectives R1-R3.

Section 2 – Composition (25 marks)

At least two argumentative/discursive, two descriptive and two narrative titles will be set. Candidates will be required to write on one title only.
Candidates will be advised to write between 350 and 450 words.

This section will test the following Writing Objectives (25 marks):

W1 Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
W2 Order and present facts, ideas and opinions
W3 Understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary
W4 Use language and register appropriate to audience and context
W5 Make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation
and spelling

Dictionaries may not be used.




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